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Hi!  I'm Kelly!

I'm a Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR), Certified Health Coach, and Holistic Nutritionist.  I spent so much time being stressed about what I was eating, never really felt well, didn't have much energy, and struggled with my weight for years. I felt as if I wasn't in control of my health because I wasn't achieving my goal of being fit and healthy.  Then I discovered 6 strategies that changed EVERYTHING!! After implementing these strategies, I had more energy, felt better, and lost the weight that I had gained!! 

What about you?

Do you have difficulty losing weight, or do you continue to gain pound after pound no matter what you do or how well you eat?


Do you struggle with digestive issues, low energy, poor sleep, or skin issues?


Are you sick of trying diet after diet with little or no results?


Do you constantly feel that you have to deprive yourself when you try to eat healthy?


Are you ready to FINALLY get off the weight loss roller coaster and lose the weight for real this time?


If you answered YES to any of the questions, I will share those very same 6 strategies that I used when you sign up for my FREE 30 Days to a New You e-coaching series by entering your information below:

You can feel better, lose weight, and have more energy without living in a gym, dying of hunger, and counting every single bite you put in your mouth.
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